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File Upload

Error message

  • Warning: Undefined array key "#bundle" in insert_field_entity_view_alter() (line 47 of /home/olivetreestudios/public_html/sites/all/modules/insert_field/insert_field.module).
  • Warning: Undefined array key "display" in insert_field_display_settings() (line 158 of /home/olivetreestudios/public_html/sites/all/modules/insert_field/insert_field.module).
  • Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in insert_field_display_settings() (line 158 of /home/olivetreestudios/public_html/sites/all/modules/insert_field/insert_field.module).

Use the form below to submit your files to Olive Tree Studios.

We require your name and an email address, so that we can get back in touch with you. To upload a file to us, follow the easy steps below.

1. Enter your Name and email address, then confirm your email address.
2. A box will appear where you can upload your files. Drag your files to the upload box, and watch them upload automatically :)
2. After the files have been added, please submit the form and it will notify us of the new files.

File Upload
Files must be less than 200 MB.
Allowed file types: mp3 jpg jpeg png tiff psd pdf zip ai eps svg mov wav.